Inspirar, incentivar e multiplicar: este é o lema das Ladies of the Road.
Ao longo de 14 anos, nosso grupo cresceu, se multiplicou e hoje em dia somos uma comunidade de mais de 1100 mulheres incríveis e poderosas com grandes motos!
Buscamos incentivar a força e união feminina através do motociclismo e carregamos com orgulho o símbolo LOR por onde passamos!
Se você quiser se juntar a nós ou alterar seu cadastro, não hesite em preencher o formulário abaixo com suas informações atualizadas.
Bem-vinda ao Ladies Of The Road!
Inspire, encourage and multiply: this is the motto of the Ladies of the Road!
Over the last 14 years, we have grown and multiplied and today we are a community of over 1100 amazing and powerful women in big bikes!
Our main goal is to promote female empowerment through motorcycling and we proudly carry the LOR symbol wherever we go!
If you would like to join us or alter your data in our registration, please do fill out the form below with your updated information.
Welcome to the Ladies Of The Road!
Inspire, encourage and multiply: this is the motto of the Ladies of the Road!
Over the last 14 years, we have grown and multiplied and today we are a community of over 1100 amazing and powerful women in big bikes!
Our main goal is to promote female empowerment through motorcycling and we proudly carry the LOR symbol wherever we go!
If you would like to join us or alter your data in our registration, please do fill out the form below with your updated information.
Welcome to the Ladies Of The Road!
© 2023 Ladies of the Road. Todos os direitos reservados. Design by Agência Hiro.